I started experimenting with fitting and painting the siding today.
I glued the kitchen bay window together last night, and today I cut siding to size for the front of it, then undercoated in black. When it was dry I painted it with crackle glaze, then white paint.
Kitchen Bay Window siding undercoated |
I deliberately applied the white paint sparingly, so that it would look faded and grey. Unfortunately, a) it seems that the thicker the paint, the better it crackles (up to a point), b) I think the black undercoat is too harsh-looking, and c) I really don't like it against the colour of the windows.
My first go at painting the siding |
I'm undecided as to what to do at the moment. I could:
a) sand the siding lightly, recoat in crackle medium and repaint in white to see what happens, and/ or
b) repaint the windows in either all black or all white with crackle to match the siding.
I need to ponder it a bit more. Also - I'm hating the railing I bought. It's supposed to be 1:24 scale, but it's clearly not. I cut the top section off and it's still out of scale, which is annoying. I might look into buying something in 1:48 scale instead, if I can find something suitable.
As an aside, I also painted crackle glaze on the two round windows, which haven't been
done yet. I will leave the front door black, although I haven't painted
(or assembled) all of it yet.
Meanwhile, I experimented with mod podging tissue to the back of the kitchen bay window to see the effect. It's a bit too lumpy? Ignoring the corner, which I had to cut apart and reglue, I don't think I like the effect. Back to the drawing board! Perhaps I will try spackle next.
Speaking of spackle, I cut out piece of balsa to cover in above the kitchen door. Lots of spackling to do there, not to mention filling in that gap in the ceiling.
Kitchen: Basement door area |