Monday, 12 June 2017

ModPod: WIndow Trim and Flooring

After the cladding was finished and the paint was dry, I moved on the trimming out the modern slit windows and installing the floorboards.

I trimmed out the windows with 3mm x 3mm balsa sticks.  The foam board is 5mm thick and I will use 2mm thick clear perspex as "glass" in the windows, so I aligned the trim with interior walls.  Later, I will push the perspex up against this trim and glue it in place.

The flooring is made from balsa as well; I used a packet of pre-cut sticks (a similar size to coffee stirrers) and cut them to length.  Since the Pod is so narrow, I ran them from front to back to make the space appear a little larger.

I'm quite pleased with how the wood looks after a light sanding, and I think I might actually line the rest of the interior walls in this manner, although I will probably paint the walls and stain the floor, and maybe a feature wall on the lounge room end of the Pod.

After that, I painted the window trim black to match the cladding.

Making slow but steady progress :-)

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