Saturday, 6 June 2015

The Fairfied: Almost the Last of the Siding

Whilst waiting for the siding I ordered to arrive, I undercoated the roof, the three partial walls and the exterior corner mouldings, and painted the remaining windows and door black, but then ran out of motivation.  Well, the siding arrived at last this week, and this being a long weekend, I could get stuck into finishing off the exterior of the house.  It's all done now, except for the little partial walls, which I am still debating whether I will add siding to or not.

I then began with the trim, adding tiny pieces of balsa to the inner corners to cover the siding seams. I fitted the porch roof too, to make sure it still fit OK.

I also put in an order for some corbel brackets for the roof a couple of days ago, which was a big decision. I just couldn't find any I liked in the right size, and that were actually affordable in the quantity I need.  I hope they look OK when they arrive! I am now agonising over gable trim - once again, I just can't find any which are suitable!  The gable pitch seems to be 60' and most ready-made trim are 45' or other. I've found several adjustable trims but I don't like them, AND they are really expensive.  I am coming to the conclusion that I am going to have to make something myself, which is a scary prospect.  What I really want is similar to these, including Otterine's Haunted Heritage, and of course, my muse, the Knox Mansion.


I found a tutorial for making your own gable trim in 1/144 scale, which I think would work OK upsizing to 1/24, so I may have to work up the courage and have a go.

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