Saturday, 17 June 2017

ModPod: Feature wall and lighting

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am really liking the "timber" effect of the balsa sticks, today I continued the sticks up the lounge room wall.

I've decided I will line the rest of the walls, but at this point I ran out of balsa sticks, so I moved on to the lighting!

I was originally thinking of using some LED light kits which I have, but after looking at lots of pics on Pinterest, I decided that simple is often the best and decided to use a string of ready-made battery powered LED lights.  I bought a set for $3 in a discount bin and removed the plastic heart-shaped covers from the lights, leaving the bare bulbs.

I then measured out 10 equidistant spots on the ceiling - 2 rows of 5 - and made holes with a drill bit, just big enough to poke the lights through.

And voila!  Downlights!

For durability, I am looking at lining the interiors of the holes with large metal eyelets, but I haven't been able to find any the right size yet.

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