In the process of putting the moulding on, I decided not to add the partial walls - the corner moulding looks good enough by itself, I think.
Whilst I was waiting for the trim to dry, I glued in the kitchen flooring and sealed it with Mod Podge. I managed to mostly repair the hole I ripped in it too, whilst I was gluing which was good!
It was roughly at that point that I discovered I'd been too enthusiastic with the siding and had forgotten about the bits of the tower sides which are part of the attic walls, so I had to prise it off - that was Not Fun! I had resigned myself some time ago to the fact that this house is just a practice run for the "real" thing, lol, which is just as well, because it is a steep learning curve.
After that I got out the paints and stained the underside of the attic roof, and painted the underside of the tower roof piece.
Monday: Today I scored the underside of the attic roof on one section, with the intention for it to resemble planks. I then added a black wash to try and make the scoring stand out, although it wasn't terribly effectively. I re-scored the grooves with a tiny pointed scrap-booking chisel, which was more effective. It needs another black wash now, and then the balsa wood vertical beams cut and glued in place.
Tuesday: More trim! I finished the tower corners, so now all the corners are done except for the kitchen wall which I will have to make myself when I get some more 1mm balsa planks.
I trimmed all the tabs and holes on the roof pieces and fitted them, then trimmed off the remaining over hangs. Most pieces are warped to various extents which makes fitting problematic, but I am hoping that it will all add to the rustic, aged effect I am going for - which is why I didn't try too hard to prevent warping when I was painting them.
I then started experimenting with the gutters using 3mm balsa wood.
As you can see, there is still a LOT of work to do in the painting department! I still haven't decided whether to leave ALL the trim black, only some of it, or paint it all red! I've been looking for examples on the internet, but there isn't much to see in this colour scheme, lol. Oh well, no need to decide right now.