My goodness, time gets away from me. It's been months since I worked on my dollhouse. All the things that weren't working got to me and I got a little overwhelmed. I've decided to add another room to the top of the tower to house the Weeping Angel, so that I don't need to modify the existing pieces of the tower, so that solves one problem.
One of the other problems was the finish on the walls in the kitchen, but after some quick searching on Pinterest for plaster finishes, it seems that everyone has their own version, using what they have on hand. Thus, I have powdered Spakfilla and I have paint, so I mixed them together in a roughly 1:1 ratio and painted it on. I'll await judgement until it dries, but I think it will do the job. I tried to paint it in a cross-hatch pattern to approximate dodgy plastering, and minimise obvious brush-strokes.
Prior to painting, I glued in the piece of filler timber above the cellar door, and filled in the gaps as best I could with timber filler. As I want to age the walls considerably, I wasn't too precious about the filler, and I didn't sand it before painting it.
I've now glued in that piece of balsa, filled the gap in the ceiling join and finished off with wood filler. |
If nothing else, the Spakfilla/paint mixture has filled in the joins between adjoining walls and the walls and the ceiling nicely.I won't use skirting or cornice in here, I want it to be very rough-looking. I also ended up having enough mixture left to paint the ceiling too. I'll add some "water stains" to it when I age the room :-)
So that's that step done. I was waiting on the kitchen finishes to drill the hole for the kitchen light wiring, which will run under the flooring of the library, and that was holding up a lot of the progress on the first floor.
Speaking of the library, I was also deliberating about whether to put in a wall along the hallway or not. I liked it but it was in the way of the spiral staircase. Well, I've decided not to build the spiral staircase, and just put in a simple ladder up to the attic level. Thus, I will now put in the wall with the arched doorway. NOW, I have to decide what wallpaper to use in that room!
I've decided I'm definitely going to use this wall. |
* Use wood filler to fill in the gap caused by the slot in the kitchen ceiling.
* Wallpaper the walls of the library x 3. Use the hall damask for the reverse (hall side) of the partition wall.
* Install the kitchen lights.
* Install the timber floor in the library.
* Install bedroom door.
* Fix broken French door.
* Continue with the siding so that I can glue in the window and French door surrounds.
That should keep me busy for while!
Oh, I'd forgotten about a few things I bought earlier in the year. When I ordered skirting and cornices, I also bought a Monticello chair for the study:
Plus a few laser-cut kits, including three downpipe kits and a kitchen sink kit from Petite Properties.