Thursday, 7 April 2016

The Bunker: Dry Fit

My Art Deco House kit arrived, yay!  I had a little time to myself this afternoon so cleared the coffee table and pulled out the kit.

It goes together so quickly and easily after the Greenleaf Fairfield build, with all it's fiddly little bits of splintery plywood!  The only minor issue I had was that the pieces aren't labelled and it was difficult to see from the diagrams, whether the sides are glued on the outside or inside of the base.  It's all pretty straightforward though, and now I have it together I can label all the pieces before gluing.

Inside - dry fit

Outside - dry fit. Minus the curved wall.

Dry Fit
You can see where the front fits to the back in the above photo.  I haven't yet decided whether to add a hinge to the left or right hand side of the opening.  I am leaning towards the right hand side, because there are large ares inside the windows of the front which will be decorated and I don't want the contents falling out onto the floor when you open the front.

You can also see where the conservatory will fit on the lower roof area, right outside the double door opening onto the rooftop patio.

Now that I have a feel for the spaces, I can plan the interiors and any new walls I might want to add.  The three rooms next to the stairs are quite small, whereas the other two rooms are generous.  I feel I might make a smaller room with the stairs on the second floor, and add divide the second room into two to allow for a bathroom?  Moving the middle wall will obviously be limited by the location of the front (centred) window, but I think there is some wiggle room there.

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